Julie is a qualified physiotherapist and a mother of 3 young boys.
She is a Mom in Balance© educated trainer, focusing on the pregnant and recovering body (recognized by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and by the Athletics Fitness Association of America (AFAA)).
Julie was the owner of the Tokyo branch of Mom in Balance© during her stay in Japan from 2018-2021, gaining excellent experience in training women outdoors.
She speaks Luxembourgish, English, French, and German.
Travelling between continents with young kids, juggling the balls of motherhood, her job and daily life, Julie knows exactly how hard it is to get it all done by the end of the day and still find some "me-time".
Outdoor workouts together with her community is what keeps her balanced (and sane ;)).
Favourite sports quote:
"Push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you"